Fu Lu Shou are three stars refer to the concept of Good Fortune, Prosperity, and Longevity. Fu Star is usually carrying one baby or Jia Pu (a record of a clan's history and lineage) to symbolize good fortune and harmony for the family. Lu Star sitting in the middle and carrying ru yi stands for power and prosperity. He is the god of high rank and affluence. Sau Star with a domed head, carrying a peach and walking stick, is the god of longevity.
Fu Lu Shou are considered to be personified deities. People are very good luck when they get these three things( harmony, prosperity and long life)together. Fu Lu Shou are commonly used in Chinese culture to denote the three attributes of a good life.
These Fu Lu Shou statues are in one set. They have golden color and each of them is approx. 2.75" in height. You can display them in your family room or living room facing inside.
See Also Shou Tao and Ru Yi
See more Fu Lu Shou
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